This last blog post has been a difficult one to write. There are lots of things that have happened since Christmas that I could talk about, but I wasn’t sure which one I wanted to focus on. I was finding it really hard to talk about about one thing, so here are a bunch of things that have happened!
All of the Don Bosco schools in Cambodia got together in Phnom Penh to celebrate. This is when we had our volleyball competition that we’d been training for. Our secretary girls didn’t win, but our Laura girls did and they were over the moon excited! Princes Norodom Arunresmy even stopped by and talked about how she loved the Don Bosco mission and all the wonderful work Don Bosco was doing for the youth of Cambodia. She was even impressed with the amount of international volunteers that Don Bosco has (from the Philippines, Germany, Australia, Spain, and the USA) and how much of a passion we have for working with children and young adults. While she was talking about the international volunteers, I took a moment to wave to her, and she totally waved back and said hello mid speech! I will admit I fangirled pretty hard, but I’m disappointed in myself that I did not wave to her as I had been instructed to in The Princess Diaries- thank you for being here today. Anyways, the bicentenary was a huge success and we had a blast! It was so great to see the Don Bosco community get together and hang out like one big family reunion. I think Don Bosco would have been really proud of the Salesian spirit in Cambodia!
Cake on cake on cake! Yum!
I also celebrated my 23rd birthday this past weekend and everyone was really sweet. My students totally surprised me Friday; I did’t know they were so sneaky! I don’t have my second year students on Fridays so I’m usually free in the morning, which is really nice! I was working on my lesson plans when one of my second year students dropped by the office and asked me to come upstairs. I tried asking what for, but she told me just to follow her anyways, so of course, I do. I get upstairs and five girls shove their undone homework and tell me they don’t know how to do it. I’m not going to say this happens often, but it’s typical for one or two to tell me they don’t know what to do, not my whole class! I was a little irked because I thought it was relatively easy homework. As I’m trying to wind down, they pointed me towards the board where they’d written “Happy Birthday Tr. Amanda!” and presented me with a cake and a very loud happy birthday song! I couldn’t believe they’d gotten me! Their other class was starting soon, so pictures and cake sharing happened after lunch, but I loved every minute of it!
So, as you can see, it’s been a busy month and a half, and the time is just flying by. The girls are busy working on different things, like a speech competition for the first years, and a debate for my second years! I’m super pumped for all our events at the end of this month! There are so many cool things that we’re getting ready for and I’m proud of all hard work and effort the girls are putting into these projects! Oh, and in case you haven't heard, Maggie and I are going to a wedding in March, and we're going in tradition Khmer dress! We went for our fabric a few weeks ago and the dresses are at the tailor. We are beyond excited! Fashion show, fashion show, fashion show at lunch! Well, not at lunch, but when we get our dresses, we'll make it known.
Happy b-day! Great tributes from your girls, who evidently like and admire you. Keep up the good work! God bless you all.